The Mad Butcher

Dad had a lot of friends and we learned this as we went through our teens. we knew there were friends who came around and visited and there were his work friends and football club friends and friends from his other clubs and interests.

Dad asked all of them, all of them, to keep . . . → Read More: The Mad Butcher

Dad was a freezing worker.

Ian and Elaine with their some of their mokopuna

My dad did a trade when he was a young man. He became a bootmaker. But he couldn’t feed his kids on what he was making so he got a job at Hellaby’s Freezing Works in Otahuhu.

He worked hard and we never went . . . → Read More: Dad was a freezing worker.

Wills Video

‘Kevin Barry’ Song and Slideshow (right click HERE and select save target as) Large file – 61 megabytes

Funeral Day Photos Video Download (right click HERE and select save target as) Large file – 125 megabytes