Voting Papers
I get asked a lot by people who I am voting for? And why?And who should they vote for.
Who I’m voting for is easy to answer.
I’m voting for Sebastian who lives opposite The Bean on the seats outside the public toilets.
I buy him a coffee when I see him there and sometimes we sit and drink our coffee together.
I’m voting for my friend Maurice. He needs my vote so bad, cause it’s just so hard being old and poor. And proud.
I’m voting for Leah, cause she’s a teacher and teachers are the fuel of our future. We need to really look after our teachers much better than we do.
I’m voting for my friends working in mental health and they are completely up against it.
I’m voting for my mokos Bradley and Dylan too, cause they’re just about ready to leave school and embark on a life in work, and I hope they learn enough skills to see them through the challenges a working life throws at you, and come out on top, like I did.
That’s harder now, and I want it not to be so hard.
And I’m voting for Lily, cause she’s a beautiful rainbow who I call my own.
I’m voting for the nurses and doctors who look after me so well, and anyone else who needs it.
And I’m voting for the people at Pack n Save who stack the shelves and bring in the trolleys in the rain. And I’m voting for the baristas who know how important it is to have good coffee and deliver it every time.
I’m voting for less floods and less pollution.
And I’m voting for Te Tiriti.
I fear not the brown man as much as I do the white man in a suit.
I’m voting for my neighbors who run small businesses, because when you’re running your own business you really do feel up against it and it’s easy to feel your efforts aren’t fully appreciated. It’s not all depreciation and cashies.
So I’m voting Labour and Green, because they are most likely to support the people I am voting for and because that’s where my values are.
So what do you do?
Firstly, and most importantly, acknowledge the times we have just been through.
These last 6 years have been a really tough time on everyone, me, you, and them. Every day is another challenge just to not go backwards, financially, emotionally, politically, and we haven’t all made it.
Regardless of what happens this Saturday, there is still a lot of fight left.
Electing a Labour Green Te Pāti Māori coalition would take some of that work away, but not all of it, or even the majority of it.
Fighting the system is a big fight, but it’s the right fight.
The main thing is to stay well, and maybe pull back from battles that drain you too much.
If National and their ‘friends’ prevail, our fight is much bigger, but still winnable.
But don’t be overwhelmed by it. Fight the battles you can handle.
Reward yourself with time out, so you can stay strong for the other battles you face. Fight when you can, survive all the time.
Know that every little bit you do adds to the movement, and there is no such thing as doing too little.
Don’t be overwhelmed by how difficult the job is, just remember that it is everyone’s battle, not just yours.
Be happy that you are on to what is happening and aren’t fooled by the bullshit.
Stay strong.
If you haven’t worked out who to vote for by thinking about it, and it’s bloody confusing with all the bullshit that’s around, then I have one simple piece of advice.
Vote with your gut.
What is your gut telling you.
Ignore your brain, act on your gut.