Yesterday, as our parliament of ‘honorable’ representatives passed into law under urgency a bill which even conservative polls showed that over three quarters of the population had strong opposition to a colleague told me he was ‘ashamed to be a New Zealander today’.
I was pretty taken back by that remark.
This is the country that led the world in equal suffrage, and stood up to the might of the United States to make a principled stand on nuclear armed warships entering our ports.
When the French government were conducting atmospheric tests in the Pacific Islands and used their military to engage in acts of violence against New Zealanders with the courage to protest our government sent a naval frigate with a cabinet minister on board to protect our countrymen.
This is the country where a Labour government denied visas to a rugby team to play apartheid sport and when a National Government supported apartheid sport this is the country where over a million people stood up to be counted.
In fact on every important issue of principle over several generations New Zealanders have stood up and taken a decent stand and have demonstrated to the world that we are capable of thinking for ourselves and expressing our own point of view, even if it is at odds with others.
Sadly we have an administration that is not working in the interests of New Zealand but instead seems to be more loyal to the wishes of foreign governments and corporations.
The interests of the country and it’s citizens are ignored and the government regime acts as a lapdog for their overseas masters.
We have seen a lot of this around the world recently. You only have to turn on the news and see that the world is rebelling against despots and traitors in a way that must scare the pants off the rich and powerful.
The only thing that is bigger than their hatred of ordinary people is their fear of them. And for good reason.
So I’m not ashamed to be a New Zealander because we have a government that works against us and sells us out to some foreign power.
I’m just looking forward to the day when they get what’s coming to them for their treason.
There is one thing you can never do and this is to give up on the people, especially the New Zealand people.
We have too proud a history of doing the right thing to let these scumbags get away with what they are doing to this great country.
John Key might think that we are the kind of people that would ‘run for the hills’ when attacked, but you’d have to ignore history to believe it.
Speaking of running for the hills when attacked…